Ride a bike!
Engage in some exercise, then engage in leaving the activity and the distance in a comment!
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You never know what a weekend will bring.
Possible injury and then recovery (Gina will fix it!)
Goal set and achieved! (Congrats to Shirley!)
Thanks, guys, I know I say it all of the time but each and every one of you are amazing to me!
6 miles for me. I tripped and hurt my hamstring so I couldn't finish my half. My first DNF ever! So bummed. I had to quit so I wouldn't do too much damage. Goofy is in 9 weeks! :(
Oh Gina, sorry to hear it. Take care.
I ran 6.55 with my running buddy, Sami!
8 miles for me,
Gina good choice to back off, rest easy and you will be back out there running pain free shortly.
Gina, you made the right decision. Getting to Goofy with the hammy in good condition is your priority. Hope it heals up fast.
As for me, 26.2 today at the Marshall Univ Marathon. I am DONE with my 50 states marathon quest!
Congratulations Shirley, great job, I will have to go and read your race report.
So now that your are done, what's next, an ironman in every state or another marathon trip through the states?
Thanks Mike! It may take me a week to get my race report up as I'm way behind on some other things. As for what's next, I haven't really decided! I have a few races planned for next year but nothing really big. Sorta thinking it'd be nice to race locally more often and/or with more friends.
11.75 miles for me this past week!
Looks like I missed reporting for Oct 31st - I did 14.5 miles!
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